Johannean Song

(adapted from the original song "I am Australian", music and words by Bruce Woodley)

We are one, but we are many and from all the lands on earth we come
we share a dream and sing with one voice:
I am, you are, we are Johannean.

Out of a northern wilderness came a nation strong and free
bound by ties of peace and love despite the diversity
of our people and our provinces that stretch from sea to sea,
beyond hockey and the maple leaf nous sommes Canadiens.
Ich esse gerne Sauerkraut, mit Bratwurst und mit Bier
Mercedes, Volkswagen, das alles bau ich Dir.
Ich erfand das Oktoberfest, und dort betrink' ich mich
ohn Bildzeitung kann ich nicht- ein Deutscher, da bin ich.
I like to eat Sauerkraut, with Bratwurst and with beer,
Mercedes and Volkswagen, that I build for you
I invented the Oktoberfest and that's where I get drunk,
I can't live without the Bildzeitung a German, that's me.
Our country, beautiful Japan
having four seasons,
cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji
Respecting harmony,
wishing peace
Hello, let's become friends.
I came from the Great Wall
from the roaring Yellow River
My homeland is vast and fertile
where people are like one family
I am descendant of the Dragon
with a long standig culture
our hardships made us stronger
I am Chinese.
I come from South Korea, the country of courteous people in the East,
co-hosting the 2002 worldcup, proud of Kimchi, Taikwondo,
and Nobel peace prizewinner Kim, Tae-Choong.
Now we are anticipating our reunification in Peace.
We come from an ancient Island
where knights, kings and queens fought majestic battles
for land, wealth and dreams. From steam trains to yellow submarine
Shakespeare and Robin Hood< with our British stiff upper lips
we like tea with fish and chips.

We all come together in this college we call home,
founded by our forebears, from China long ago.
They build it up with love and care to foster global dreams
in light and in truth we are Johannean.